Thursday, March 27, 2008

Until You've Eaten Dirt You are Not Poor

I've been helping a friend of mine with our local Ultreya meeting on nights when he's out of town for work. Tonight's speaker really made me appreciate the things that we all have in this country. Even things as basic as food. Our speaker this evening spends two weeks a year in Haiti giving aid to the poor. He has been doing this for over 20 years. During this time he has witnessed an incredible amount of human suffering.

The most recent turn of events in Haiti involves the increased cost of food world wide. In a country that has so little to begin with, food is now unaffordable for many Haitian people. As a result, many Haitians have resorted to eating dirt just to try to stay alive.

We should all consider the blessings God has given us and consider making a donation to a charitable organization such as CRS or some other reputable organization that truly promotes life.

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