Thursday, March 20, 2008

WaPo Pope Watch

The Washington Post has a "Pope Watch" going for B16's visit to the USA. This particular article itself is controversial, but the comments, oh my goodness! You will be fascinated, saddened, offended and encouraged by what people have written in response to the article. I must warn you, there is some anti-Catholic propaganda posted here which is downright fictitious so be careful about what you allow into your brain. Garbage in, garbage out.


Anonymous said...


After reading you were from Louisiana AND you loved college football, I was going to tell you about James from Opinionated Catholic, then lo and behold, I notice he's already on your link list. The LSU fans group together quickly I see.

Ragin-Cajun said...

It would seem so! Lots of good local links on Opinionated Catholic. Lots of good links on as well.

Happy Easter to you!